


Young People versus Adults. What’s the Difference?

Drinking is more harmful to teens than adults because their brains are still developing and lifelong damage in brain function can result. According to research, young people who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21.


Learn the causes, risk factors and dangers associated with teen drinking — and the symptoms and signs of intoxication.


A comprehensive overview of adolescent drinking: risks, harms and prevention strategies.


This edition was made specifically with our college population in mind. Great resources for students to learn about effects of alcohol on your mind and body as well the ripple effect that underage drinking brings with it. There are also RIC and local resources.


Adolescents and Marijuana.

An excellent, quick-read overview of the scope of teen marijuana use and how it affects memory, school performance and behaviors, impacts a teen’s performance — from the University of Washington’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute.

How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life? A summary of studies from the National Institutes of Health about how marijuana impacts many areas of a teen’s life. Does marijuana use affect driving? The answer is yes and inexperienced teen drivers — many of whom think that “weed makes you driver safer” — place themselves, their passengers and other drivers at exceptionally high risk. You’ll find the evidence is this NIH Research Report.

Teen ‘self-medication’ for depression leads to more serious mental illness. Research shows that some teens are using marijuana to alleviate feelings of depression when, in fact, using marijuana can compound the problem.

Check out this fact sheet with some honest answers to questions about marijuana and teens.

Most people may not know that, much like Alcoholics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous can help people stay Marijuana Free. Check out the link below for a meeting site (virtual and in person).


Watch this video to learn more about the history of smoking and how it has evolved to today’s electronic cigarettes and vaping.

My Life My Quit

My Life, My Quit™ shares the truth about vaping, nicotine and other tobacco products. If you decide you want to quit, they are available to help you to be successful. It’s YOUR LIFE and they want to help you live it YOUR WAY. Click here to learn more.

This video dispels common misconceptions about vaping and simplifies the science behind the actual risks of e-cigarette use among adolescents.



Recovery Happens Here

Struggling to stop using marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs on your own?

The Jim Gillen Teen Center is an environment that celebrates, and helps facilitate recovery through dynamic programming, shared lived experience, and peer support. 


Coping Cards

This set of eight cards offer helpful coping techniques to help with a variety of conditions such as Anxiety, Fear, Phobias, Feelings of Being Overwhelmed, Anger Management and more.

If you or someone you love is going through a mental health or substance use crisis, there is information, there is compassion. There is help. Call 401-414-LINK (5465)


Teen Leader

Become an advisor to the Coalition. Teach us what you think works (and doesn’t work) when it comes to keeping your friends, brothers and sisters, drug-free. Join the SPC Regional Prevention Coalition. Contact Pattie Sweet for more information at psweet@tricountyri.org

Join Your Schools Peer to Peer Education Programs

ATI – Above the Influence is a program that’s attracting thousands of teens across the country who want to take a stand against bullying, sexism, racism, alcohol and marijuana use and just “following the crowd.” It’s a program that helps you become the kind of person you want to be.

VAASA – Varsity Athletes Above Substance Abuse (VAASA) is a peer leadership program in which high school varsity athletes pledge to remain alcohol and drug free. The athletes are trained to address younger students as positive role models.

SADD – Students against destructive decisions. SADD empowers teens to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily life.
Want to get involved? For more information, please contact your local prevention coalition coordinator.

Find your local coordinator’s contact information here.

SPCRC © 2025 All rights reserved.

SPCRC © 2025 All rights reserved.