Research shows that the main reason that teens do not use tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or other drugs is because of their parents’ positive influence — and because they know it would disappoint you. Talk with your kids about living drug-free – the earlier the better. Use your influence! They trust you.
It Starts With You. Talk early. Talk often. And listen.
Take time to brush up on what science is telling us about the risks teens face if they use alcohol or marijuana. There’s too much misinformation out there. Parents need to help teens separate fact from fiction, and teens are influenced by what their parents say (or don’t say).
Discuss those risks with your teens and pre-teens frequently, remembering how many times you had to say “the stove is hot” before it sunk it. Teen brains are wired for risks that you can help them avoid.
Tell them that you hope they never use alcohol or marijuana before they’re 21. Don’t allow them to “assume” you don’t have an opinion one way or the other.
Give them the love, support, confidence and facts they need to make good decisions when they’re out there on their own.
To download our cookbook that provides some fun and healthy recipes along with conversation starters – Click HERE
For a guide on how to connect and talk with your teen – Click HERE
For a fact sheet on “Talking to Kids about Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals” – Click Here
For a fact sheet on “Impaired Driving: Talk with Your Kids” – Click Here
Everything you need to know about alcohol and the risks to youth.
It Starts with You. Talk Early. Talk Often. And Listen.
Information about alcohol and health along with tips, tools, and resources.
For anyone who drinks, Rethinking Drinking offers valuable, research-based information. Letʼs take a look at your drinking patterns and how they may affect your health.
Learn the facts about youth marijuana use with this informative video!
The fact that marijuana and cannabis products are legal doesn’t mean that using marijuana is without risk. Marijuana is the primary reason young people enter substance use treatment. High levels of THC has been linked to many health problems.
How to Talk to Your Child About the Dangers of Underage Marijuana Use
RI has the unfortunate distinction of being one of the states with a high incidence of past month marijuana use amongst people 12 years and older. Click LEARN MORE below to learn more about teen marijuana use and what you can do to prevent it.
Most people may not know that, much like Alcoholics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous can help people stay Marijuana Free. Check out the link below for a meeting site (virtual and in person).
Today’s vaping problem is real: Vaping is on the rise among teens. More than 5 million U.S. youth currently use e-cigarettes. Many kids think vaping is harmless, but it can have serious health consequences. Study these pages to keep you and your family safe.
Some healthcare providers recommend the use of opioid medications to help patients manage pain. If your healthcare provider has prescribed an opioid medication for you, it is important that you understand the benefits and risks involved with taking these medications, including possible addiction.
We are at a crossroads when it comes to how our society addresses mental health.
We know that one in five of our citizens has a diagnosable mental health condition, and that more Americans are expected to die this year by suicide than in car accidents. While many of us are comfortable acknowledging publicly our physical suffering, for which we almost always seek help, many more of us privately experience mental suffering, for which we almost never reach out.
Our coalition is coming together to change the culture about mental health, mental illness, and wellness.
Since 2018 the SPC Regional Prevention Coalition has provided training for over 60 Southern Providence community members.
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders. Contact us for the next available training.
Our coalition is coming together to change the culture about mental health, mental illness, and wellness.
We have taken the pledge to Change Direction. This initiative was inspired by the discussion at the White House National Conference on Mental Health in 2013, on the heels of the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy.
Take a look at this video with more information!
We encourage and empower community members to:
See mental health as having equal value to physical health
Create a common language that allows the ability to recognize the signs of emotional suffering in themselves and others
Care for their mental well-being and the mental well-being of others
The Most Important Thing a Parent Can Do To Help Struggling Kids.
Watch this short video on how you can recognize when your child may be struggling and start a conversation that may help.
A powerful tool for parents to help identify possible risks and talk openly with their teen to address youth substance use. View our booklet provided at our interactive exhibits at the link below.
For more information on when the next exhibit near you will be held, or to schedule an exhibit, please contact