Taking Adderall without a prescription has been shown to not help with academic performance.
Adapting to college life is not always easy. The pressures of studying combined with a culture of pulling pre-exam all nighters, has made the misuse of prescription stimulants such as Adderall, more prevalent than ever.
Research indicates that Adderall does not live up to its reputation for boosting academic achievement, and may even inhibit a person’s ability to perform well.
One Pill Can Kill
The only safe medications are ones that come from licensed and accredited medical professionals. DEA warns that pills purchased outside of a licensed pharmacy are illegal, dangerous, and potentially lethal.
Fentanyl is everywhere in RI
Counterfeit pills and other drugs may contain deadly levels of fentanyl, and you wouldn’t be able to see it, taste it, or smell it. It is nearly impossible to tell if drugs have been laced with fentanyl.